Baking Tips
Every oven is different so the packet baking instructions may need to be varied depending on the oven you are baking in. Try these tips below to get the best possible baking from your oven:
- Ensure you preheat the oven to 180℃ before putting in your tray of muffin mix to bake.
- The goal is to cook the muffin evenly throughout and make sure the inside is properly cooked. If you bake at too high a temperature, you run the risk of crisping/burning the outside before the muffin is baked through.
- If your oven tends to cook things quickly, it may run a bit hot and so for your first batch you may wish to bake at a lower temperature (approximately 160℃) for 10 minutes longer than the recommended baking time.
- Make sure you position the oven racks to have the tray in the middle of the oven - lower down is preferable to up high. Having it too high in the oven can cause the baking to be burnt by the element on top.
- Ideally just bake one tray at a time as cooking two or more trays at once will change the air circulation around the baking muffins.
- Keep an eye on your muffins, they will be ready when springy to the touch and an inserted skewer comes out clean.
- Use a timer so you don’t forget to check them as it is easy to get distracted with our busy lifestyles - especially if you have kids!